Thursday, June 13, 2013

Joseph Smith Story, "Trials: Look to the Light"

At a young age, Joseph had a critical operation on his leg bones. Because of his trials the young Joseph had great courage and determination. Later, his questions about faith lead him to the pages of the Bible. Joseph, again, demonstrates his rare determination and sincerity as he takes his quest directly to God. On a beautiful spring morning in a grove near his home, Heavenly Father and Jesus hear Joseph’s humble petition for an answer to his questions about religion. During his life he suffered great persecution and suffering. He was beaten, feathered & tarred, thrown in prison & poisoned & murdered  all in the name of standing up for what he believed in. (Living Scriptures)

After my own trials and tribulations, I understand Josephs pain,  I have been incarcerated, had problems w/gangs & the mob, beaten, raped & been made fun of. I really appreciate the sacrifice it took to bring forth the Book of Mormon & for standing up for what he believed in. After losing my marriage, losing visitation to my children & the death of my mom & grandma, I had hit rock bottom.  (I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at age 8 but later at age 18 joined the Catholic Church to feel acceptance from my husband & his family.) I began searching again for a church to belong to around age 43, after visiting many churches, the Mormon missionaries began to teach me. I prayed, studied & prayed some more and decided to ask the Bishop of my ward for help because my heart felt very heavy. I was disfellowshipped for committing adultry on my husband and for the 8 years I was in prostitution. I knew the repentance process wasn't going to be easy but in many ways it was actually much easier and a more simple life style.  Living in sin is a very hard , dark & miserable way to live.
Im going through the repentance process once again in my life, it saddens me to not be able to take the sacrament, wear my garments, visit the Temple or have a church calling. I don't know yet if Im being disfellowshipped again or excommunicated. A post I recently read..."Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson" by Brigitte Nicole~ Lessons Learned in Life. I also read, "Give place no more to the enemy of your soul." Another quote I liked was "Never give in, Never surrender, Never allow despair to overcome your spirit. Embrace & rely upon The Hope of Israel for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration

Trials: Look to the Light

Living Scriptures Joseph Smith Story Chapter 12 (short clip)
Joseph prays & asks for wisdom to know what church is true...

Living Scriptures Joseph Smith Story Chapter 13 (short clip)
Joseph is visited by God the Father & his Son Jesus Christ and asks which of all the church's is right

I believe in the Joseph Smith Story, I know what it feels like to have spiritual experiences & visitations, I had them after my mom, dad & gma passed away. I know what it feels like to struggle with the devil, I met him twice and he bound me in what seemed like the entire night. I couldn't move & I thought I was going to die. I never felt so terrified. I know what it feels like to search and pray for which church to belong to. I I have felt so many of the same things as Joseph Smith that it makes it very easy for me to believe his story. I really admire most of all, that he stood up for what he believed in! even in fear, he did not turn his back on what he knew to be right. He never turned his back on God! and because of his strength, it has given me the courage to keep trying and never give up. I hope to gain a stronger testimony of the Gospel. aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  (James 1:5)  

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