Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lehi Rodeo Roundup

"Tough Enough To Wear Pink?"
The cow was collecting donations to support the fight against cancer
his shirt says "Eat More Chikin" LOL

Had a lot of fun tonight with my new friend, loved watching the lil kids ride the bulls, & the adults ridin the bigger bulls. They had dirt bikes perform, flippin in the air, cool to watch!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keepin it Real

Visiting the Temple helps me think clearer

"Sometimes our minds are so beset with problems, and there are so many things clamoring for attention at once that we just cannot think clearly and see clearly. At the temple the dust of distraction seems to settle out, the fog and the haze seem to lift, and we can ‘see’ things that we were not able to see before and find a way through our troubles that we had not previously known." - President Boyd K. Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

"If You Could Hie To Kolob" song

This song is for all those who have passed on to the other side
May you rest in peace

An Easter I Will Never Forget! Mendota, CA.

Easter Sunday April 12, 1998
My sisters boyfriend had broken my ribs for bringing a date to the house some time earlier, could have even been the day before. I remember my family was having an Easter party at my brothers house in Fresno, his neighbor across the street gave me somas for the pain & I went back to work on the streets.
This young latino picked me up on Belmont asking me if I was ok, I didnt feel like working so I rode with him. He told me he was selling meth & asked if I wanted to buy some, he also had a Raiders jacket in the back seat but I cant remember if he was trying to sell that to me too. He wasn't persistant selling to me, he knew I was injured & needed help so he was always askin me if I needed anything.
We drove to Mendota to a lil green house next door to a white house and across the street from a corn field. When we got inside he put his sawed off shot gun under the kitchen sink and was a nervous wreck saying his wife or girlfriends brother was on his way over and I began to get scared but I was to drugged up on Somas to do anything. I was in a lot of pain, the boy showed me a bed to lay in, the room was empty but had a red stuffed Fresno Bull dog hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room. I lay there by myself.
I heard some fighting & arguing in the front room, I looked at the windows wondering how I was going to get out w/out them hearing me. I opened the door and walked in the front room, my new friend was laying on the ground & the huge mexican was kickin him with his cowboy boots. When he looked at me the beatings got worse like machismo or somethin. He was kickin him so hard in the head! The skinny white guy was standin there watching. I ran between the couch & the white guy and out the door to the neighbors, I knocked & knocked crying for help, no one answered. There was a man on a green tractor across the street in the corn field, I jumped up & down but he didnt see me. I watched the blue car with the mexicans in it drive away so I came off the neighbors porch to see what happened. The boy came outside, his head was huge & bleeding every where. He said, "are you ok?" he was worried about me but I was so scared for him that I ran down the street to the liquor store to call 911. I knew my friend was badly hurt. The police picked me up, took me to the green house, the ambulance was there & on the stretcher was the boy with a white blanket over his whole body & head. The cop said "its not what it looks like" the other cop said "this is strange, I wonder why we're not taking pictures?" I dont remember much just that a subpoena came for me at my brothers house and my mom put me on the trucks and said "these are people you don't want to be messing with," I went back to Utah.
Im writing this story because I cant forget & sometimes I have nightmares that the huge mexican is coming to get me. I also want to find this boy so I can visit him at the cemetery & I also want to know more about him. After the boy got hurt or after he died, there was a curly haired brown boy that came out from behind the house like he had been hiding cause he looked scared.

I called the Fresno County DAs office (559.600.3141), my name was not in the system and without a case number or the name of the boy, it will be impossible for them to find out anything or for me to understand & know what happened this day. I googled all the liquor& corner stores in Mendota on the satelyte to see if the neighborhoods looked familiar or if I could find that lil green house but no luck. The liquor store in Mendota was ran by poonjabis.

Someone Once Asked Me...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hauula, Hawaii 4th Ward

My old ward in Hauula, Hawaii. I took a pic of this world wide satelyte broadcast of "The Work of Salvation" (lds.org) that was held at the church today. I loved Bishop Unga & all of Hauula 4th ward. I became very close to them during the time of the Japan earthquake in 2011 when we all had to evacuate to higher ground because of a tsunami, it was a very scary time for me. Everyone packed their things and said goodbye to their pets & homes thinking it would be the last time to see any of it. The tsunami caused very little damage to Oahu, Hawaii thank goodness but we did have sirens sounding off for a whole week after. Many of the members of our ward were from Japan and had family there that were missing, it was heart breaking to hear their Testimonys at church. 

video of the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami on March 11, 2011
The earthquake was a magnitude of 9 at 2:46pm, the tsunami was 133 ft high. I took the life of 1000's.

the sirens sounding off in Hawaii

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When We Want To Speak To God...

A Day @ the Park w/Ky :)

Spent the day at the park with my grandson yesterday, I love him soo much!!

Story of Eli Pierce

I stayed up til 3am, watching youtube videos on Jerusalem, wanting to understand more about the place where Jesus walked. I wanted to find Cleon W. Skousens video on Prophecy Visit Israel but couldn't, I think you can buy it from Living Scripture Co.
This morning I opened up my facebook on the net and this was the first post I read by Ryan Hawks, I loved it so much that I had to post it in my blog...

I couldn't copy and paste the story off of Ryans post so I found it in Jeffrey R. Hollands talk "For Times of Trouble" BYU Devotional March 18, 1980...

As you know, the Brethren used to announce in general conference the names of those who had been called on missions. Not only was this the way friends and neighbors learned of the call, more often than not it was the way the missionary learned of it as well. One such prospect was Eli H. Pierce. A railroad man by trade, he had not been very faithful in Church meetings—“even had my inclinations led in that direction, which I frankly confess they did not,” he admitted. His mind had been given totally to what he demurely calls “temporalities.” He said he had never read more than a few pages of scripture in his life and that he had spoken to only one public gathering (an effort which he says was no credit to himself or those who heard him). He used the vernacular of the railroad and the barroom with a finesse born of long practice. He bought cigars wholesale—a thousand at a time—and he regularly lost his paycheck playing pool. Then this classic understatement: “Nature never endowed me with a superabundance of religious sentiment; my spirituality was not high and probably even a little below average.”
Well, the Lord knew what Eli Pierce was, and he knew something else. He knew what I’m pleading for today. He knew what Eli Pierce could become. When the call came that October 5 in 1875, Eli wasn’t even in the Tabernacle. He was out working on one of the railroad lines. A fellow employee, once recovered from the shock of it all, ran out to telegraph the startling news. Brother Pierce writes, “At the very moment this intelligence was being flashed over the wires, I was sitting lazily thrown back in an office rocking chair, my feet on the desk, reading a novel and simultaneously sucking on an old Dutch pipe just to vary the monotony of cigar smoking.” (For my friends in the English Department I would just hasten to add that the novel reading was probably a more serious transgression than the pipe smoking.)
He goes on. “As soon as I had been informed of what had taken place, I threw the novel in the waste basket, the pipe in a corner [and have never touched either to this hour]. I sent in my resignation . . . to take effect at once, in order that I might have time for study and preparation. I then started into town to buy [scripture].”
Then these stirring words:
Remarkable as it may seem, and has since appeared to me, a thought of disregarding the call, or of refusing to comply with the requirement, never once entered my mind. The only question I asked—and I asked it a thousand times—was: “How can I accomplish this mission? How can I, who am so shamefully ignorant and untaught in doctrine, do honor to God and justice to the souls of men, and merit the trust reposed in me by the Priesthood?”
With such genuine humility fostering resolution rather than defeating it, Eli Pierce fulfilled a remarkable mission. His journal could appropriately close on a completely renovated life with this one line: “Throughout our entire mission we were greatly blessed.” But I add one experience to make the point.
During his missionary service, Brother Pierce was called in to administer to the infant child of a branch president whom he knew and loved. Unfortunately, the wife of the branch president had become embittered and now seriously objected to any religious activity within the home, including a blessing for this dying child. With the mother refusing to leave the bedside and the child too ill to move, this humble branch president with his missionary friend retired to a small upper room in the house to pray for the baby’s life. The mother, suspecting just such an act, sent one of the older children to observe and report back.
There in that secluded chamber the two knelt and prayed fervently until, in Brother Pierce’s own words, “we felt that the child would live and knew that our prayers had been heard.” Arising from their knees, they turned slowly only to see the young girl standing in the partially open doorway gazing intently into the room. She seemed, however, quite oblivious to the movements of the two men. She stood entranced for some seconds, her eyes immovable. Then she said, “Papa, who was that . . . man in there?”
Her father said, “That is Brother Pierce. You know him.”
“No,” she said, matter-of-factly, “I mean the other man.”
“There was no other, darling, except Brother Pierce and myself. We were praying for baby.”
“Oh, there was another man,” the child insisted, “for I saw him standing [above] you and Brother Pierce and he was dressed [all] in white.”
Now if God in his heavens will do that for a repentant old cigar-smoking, inactive, swearing pool player, don’t you think he’ll do it for you? He will if your resolve is as deep and permanent as Eli Pierce’s. In this Church we ask for faith, not infallibility. (SeeBiography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow, pp. 407–13.)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mark Chapter 12 & 13

went to Bible Study @ St. Francis tonight... 
read from Mark 12- The widow who sacrificed to put money in the treasury, she gave everything she had which is more than all the wealthiest men. 
Mark 13-Signs of the last days, false Prophets & Jesus told of how the Temple shall be thrown down because there was a better way to Christ...
Gave me a lot to think about...
If some of my family sees this post, don't freak out! I'm not saying the Mormon Church isn't true & Im not trying to get into a debate as to why I want to study with both religions...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Family Pics

my brother David, wife Nora, nephews Cabot, Levi & baby Meyer
my sister Erin & family- nephew Nathaniel, niece Lydia & brother in law Jake
my brother Garry & his wife Robyn

my nieces Brianna, Shaunte', my sister Michele & my niece Mikala

my sister Carrie & her family- Easton, Danica, baby Cedar & husband Tiger

my niece Miranda & her baby Marlee

my daughter Ashley

my niece Cortney

my brother Jason with my nieces & nephew- Brianna, Shaunte', Destiny & Daryen

my sister Jenn, her husband Rob & my nephew Strider

my step dad AJ & step mom Cindy

my nephew Bryson

my sister Michele

my daughter Lindsay

my nephew Strider & brother Jason

my nephew Garry Jr.

my nephew Brandyn
my brother Adam & my sister Jenny
my step sister Rachel & husband Ryan (missing nieces & nephews in pic)

my daughter Brittany & her boyfriend Sam
my grandson Kyden

my step sister Michelle, husband Josh, nieces McKensie, Brittany, nephews Isaac

nephew Sammy
step sister Katie & husband Tyler (missing nephew in pic)

my step sister Sarah & husband Scott, nephews Alek & Jackson & niece Gracie

step sister Kristy & husband Adam (Aspen, Zac, Skyler & baby Hailey)

step brother Brandon & wife Shannon (missing niece & nephew in pic)
step sister Tami & husband Brian

"You Are A Good Person" video by Ryan Hawks

Ryan says: So, our thoughts can be destructive to our growth and improvement! We need to learn how to turn off that mean, discouraging voice that tells us we are nothing, and remember the voice of God telling us that He didn't create failures! We are good people--you are a good person! So give yourself some credit!

I posted this to help me remember that I am a good person, he gives such great advice (Ryans been through alot of trials with his pornography addiction & I can relate because Im having a hard time with my past life of prostitution).

Things You Take For Granted...

You're Covered (Mormonad)

June 18, 2013- God is only a prayer away...

I had a wonderful night with my 2 year old grandson last night, we played at the park and watched "Barney" a kids movie. We snuggled til we both fell asleep, he loves his back scratched lol.

Yesterday I had a colonoscopy & an esophagogastroduodenoscopy done because I have been really sick with diarrhea since May 3rd. The esophagus looked really good but they took several biopsies of the colon. 3 years ago I had a 7 or 9 mm polyp removed, thank goodness I got checked because it would have been cancerous had it stayed any longer. The Dr.s told me to wait til I was 50 but with my dad having colon cancer & dying from tongue cancer & my moms dad dying from colon cancer, I knew it was urgent for me to get in at age 44. I get the test results back in 5 days.

I woke up this morning, feeling kinda down so I rode the bus to Provo Temple to read my Book of Mormon again. I was in pants and wasn't sure if I was allowed to be on the Temple grounds, I found my way inside to the waiting room where I had visited the other day. I picked up Junes New Era and began searching for articles that stood out, I was really wanting to feel the Spirit. This guy came in, sat down, opened up his scriptures and began sobbing out loud. The room started to fill up with visitors but the man was like in his own lil world and no one seemed to mind. My whole purpose to come to the Temple today was to feel the Spirit & read the Book of Mormon. I didn't know what to think of this man crying so I continued to read from the church magazine. After the man left, I decided to go outside to the back of the Temple and met a young mom with her 9 month old baby, she was wearing pants too. We got to talking and she reassured me it was ok to be on the Temple grounds in pants so I felt much better. She was walking around barefoot in the grass w/her sandals in 1 hand and the baby in the other, such a pretty site. She was teaching and showing her baby all of Gods creations, I wished I had my grandson with me. I miss my daughters being small.
Found this cool spot in the shade to read my scriptures. 
After praying, I started to read the Testimony of Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon, where I had left off the last time I came to the Temple. I only read a few pages. As I sat there, it reminded me of Joseph Smith in the grove when he prayed, it was very peaceful. Im thankful I live close enough to visit the Temple and hope for the day I can go back inside and do Temple work.

I like this view because it overlooks the valley and Utah Lake, can you see West Mountain? I love the fountains, they dance for me every time :)

Tonights my lil sisters baby shower, she's pregnant with her 2nd baby and is having a girl :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Isaiah 55:8-9 For My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts...

¶For my athoughts are not byour thoughts, neither are yourcways my dways, saith the Lord.
 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my awaysbhigher than your ways, and my cthoughts than your thoughts.

Uncle Ronald O. Harris 1933-2013 R.I.P

The funeral services today were very nice, my dads sister, aunt Nola, shared some family memories along with uncle Ronalds grand kids. I love that my dads brother loved to garden and grow potatoes, he loved animals and raised horses and rabbits. He loved to hunt for rocks, arrow heads amongst other things in the small town called Faust where him and his siblings grew up. Uncle Ronald was a very strong man, he had to have been to endure the hard ships in his life. He buried 3 children, had been in a bad car wreck which cause his legs to shuffle when he walked and than later he lost his legs to diabetes. Aunt Nola said he loved to play tricks on people, he had a funny sense of humor. He was very close to the Lord and was a great example in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm really glad I got to meet him a few times in my life, wish it could have been more. 

Life Goes On


Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Fathers Day to My Dads! I love you

This is my step dad, AJ Harris & his wife Cindy, he raised me since the 3rd grade & adopted me in the 6th grade.
 I love this man, he put up a lot with me in my younger and older years. I wasn't the easiest child and teenager to raise or get along with, in fact I was quite rebellious! He taught me how to drive and one night when the Utah Lake was really high, I accidently drove my car into it. Thank goodness he knew how to pull it out of the water & fix it! my dads an excellent mechanic!  My dad is a High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, he taught me about the Gospel, we had Family Home Evenings growing up, and always prayed together as a family. Camping & fishing trips were always the funnest,  my dad loves to fly fish. I remember this pond down south that he would take us to, he would tell us stories about quicksand & lochness monsters and divers never being able to find the bottom. LOL. I remember some of his favorite foods growing up because we would rap them as presents, haha. Dad loved sauerkraut, red licorice, dill pickles, Dr. Pepper & Steak n Everything sandwiches from The Italian Place in Orem. Holidays were also very memorable, dad always had us read the Xmas story in the bible,  have family prayer & eat a good breakfast before we could open our presents. Halloween was fun too because dad always dressed up with us and took us trick or treating, our friends thought he was the coolest & still do :) My dad adopted me, my brother & sister and got to have 3 more kids of his own, 2 girls and a boy. My dad has 6 kids and through his 2nd marriage he gained 4 more, not to mention all the in laws. Lets see... dad has Me, Michele, Carrie Ann, Jennifer, Robyn, Kristi, Tami, Katie & Shannon, that makes 9 daughters. His sons are, Garry, Jason, Tiger, Rob, Brandon, Adam, Brian & Tyler, that makes 8... Wow! thats 17 children :)
Dads 25 grandkids: Brittany, Ashley, Lindsay, Cortney, Garry Jr, Bryson, Brandyn, Mikala, Miranda, Brianna, Shaunte', Destiny, Daryen, Danica, Easton, Cedar, Strider, grand daughter due in July, Zach, Aspen, Skyler, Hailey, Brandons baby boy & Laney & Jayden.
and Dad has 2 great grand kids, Kyden & Marlee
Thank you for everything!
Happy Father's Day! Love you!

This is my birth dad, Brent Frandsen, he died of tongue cancer 3 years ago and is greatly missed. I was just starting to get to know him better in my adult years right before he passed away. We got to spend time at the Mormon Miracle Pageant, that was very special. My dad was a counselor in the Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and loved the Gospel very much. I got to spend the summer taking care of him right before he died, we watched a lot of tv. Dad loved the coin show (he had quite the collection), western movies, the WWF wrestling & his DVD collection. We also listened to music, dad loved the sound of the 70's and Yanni amongst others but these were the ones I remember the most. Dads all time fave was camping, fishing, 4 wheeling and spending time with family. I got to go on a 4 wheel ride with him in 9 Mile Canyon before he died. My dad retired as an RN for mental health, he died at 65. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with him, he taught me so much in the short amount of time he had. Dad had 16 children (incl in law) me, Garry, Robyn, Michele, David, Nora, Erin, Jacob, Jennifer, Adam Michelle, Josh, Sarah, Scott,  Rachel & her husband. He has 27 grandchildren, Brittany, Ashley, Lindsay, Cortney, Garry Jr, Bryson, Brandyn, Mikala, Miranda, Brianna, Shaunte', Daryen, Destiny, Levi, Cabot & baby boy Frandsen, Lydia, Nathaniel, Caleb, Brittany, Isaac, Sammy, Alek, Jackson, Gracie, Dakota, McKade & Aiden. 
2 great grandbabies, Kyden & Marlee
Happy Fathers Day Dad, love n miss you!