Monday, June 10, 2013


I decided to do a post on Covenants, mainly because I didn't really understand it or I had once known it but had forgotten. I attended a Stake Fireside last night, not knowing the subject but had really needed to be in the LDS atmosphere to find answers in my life. It amazes me that every time I struggle in my life w/a question concerning God, he gives me the answer almost immediately. Let me explain a lil better, I gave up on the LDS faith 2 weeks ago when something had been shown to me regarding the Temple. It put alot of doubt in me and lead me to the front door of St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, that I once belonged to. Not agreeing with either religion I told family and friends that I would just attend both churches, a family member brought it to my attention that I had broken my covenants with the Lord. Not really understanding, I left it alone and the next day went to this fireside, and wouldn't you know, the subject was on Covenants by Brother Victor Ludlow. :)


~What is a covenant?  a promise of God to His children & a solemn agreement between 2 or more parties
(covenant comes from Old French covenir 'agreeing', from Latin convenire 'come together')

~What is the original biblical meaning of 'to covenant'?
Hebrew: karat be 'rith= 'to cut a bond'
(i.e. 'to sever a union' or to 'separate a connection' or to 'cut a deal'
Examples of a separation leading to a stronger connection:
1. marriage-the husband & wife leave their families and join together
2. Love of a newborn baby
3. The rainbow- when raindrops (similar to a prism) reflect the sunlight breaking it into colors
4. metals- when put with other metals they can become stronger, weaker, thinner, lighter, etc

~What are some key covenant promises of past gospel dispensations?

Noah: God sends the rainbow as a sign that He will honor His covenant promises
(Gen 9:8-17; see JST!)

Abraham: A chosen people will receive a promised land and become a blessing for other nations, Abraham didnt see alot of his blessings during his life time. In 4000 years the most wonderful blessing of Abraham was the birth of Jesus Christ. Many of his descendants did great & wonderful things.

Moses: Covenant Israel is Gods 'peculiar treasure' to prepare for the coming Mosiah (Ex 19:5)
because of slavery and what they went through, the people stood out

~Who among the ancient biblical Israelites were a particular, peculiar covenant group?
Arronic Priesthood holders of the tribe of Lehi
The Nazarite, either male or female.
Which famous New Testament person was a member of both groups? John the Baptist

Nazarites separate from 1. strong drink 2. cutting their hair 3. touching the dead
Nazarites vow to eat no grapes or they get their head shave & have to start over
Nazarites separate to: the position of the Prophet & apostles is a life time calling, Missionaries commit to 18 months of service & teaching the Gospel
Mormons are a special covenant people.

~What are the basic elements of a covenant?
*Introduction: a preamble, preface, or prologue that describes the involved parties and their context Function: Brings the various covenant parties together (showing up to church)
*historical context: insights into earlier historical events and other valuable covenant circumstances
Function: Reviews the background and settings for a new covenant relationship
(the Sacrament Hymn)
*stipulations: details containing the 'fine print of the contract', the general and specific agreements
Function: Describes conditions and expectations of the covenant (1. agree to take upon His name 2. always remember Him 3. Keep the commandments)
*ritual act: a symbolic activity, such as an ordinance or oath, that binds the covenant parties
Function: Performs specified acts that pledge and seal the individuals to an agreed course of action (eating bread and drinking water during the Sacrament)
*rewards & punishments: positive and negative consequences of obeying or neglecting contract terms
Function: Identifies the blessings/incentives and curses/penalties of the covenant
(always have His spirit to be with us)
*witnesses: third party observers who certify the covenant process, especially the ritual act
Function: Fulfills legal requirements of outsider verification and encourages additional help (Sacrament)
*perpetuation: a documentation where essential covenant details are recorded
Function: Provides written records and future continuation of the binding relationship
(church membership) 

~What are the 5 critical salvation covenants that help us 'come together' with the Father?
Baptism: the essential gateway covenant  (Mosiah 18:8-13; D&C 20:37, 70-74)
Sacrament: the weekly renewal covenant  (D&C 20:75-79; 3 Nephi 18)
Priesthood: the divine power and service covenant  (Genesis 14:25-40 JST; D&C 84:33-34)
Endowment: the heavenly path & blessings covenant  (D&C 95:8; 124:39)
Sealing: the celestial families bonding covenant  (D&C 76:53; 132:5-8; 138:48)

~What are some of the key values of out covenants with God?
Teachings & Guidelines... help us know what our Heavenly Father expects of us
Incentives & Rewards... motivate us to do Gods will in spite of temptations and distractions
Gateways & Ordinances... establish required rites for prescribed divine blessings and promises
Patterns and Measurements... provide markers to know how well we are fulfilling Gods plan

~How does keeping Gods covenants help us become more like Him?
Divine covenants Teach as they provide us with knowledge to achieve our unique destiny
Divine covenants Empower as they give us authority to share Gods special gifts with others.
Divine covenants Sanctify as they make us holy and worthy of eternal life

~What is the special role and value of eternal families?
"Family" in Hebrew= mishpachah- a group that stands out and spreads out

Baptismal Covenant Promises
~What is the covenant of baptism?
a solemn agreement between God & His children containing our baptismal promises to each other
It is a Suzerainty (or Lord-Vassal) type of covenant where the sovereign ruler (God the Fatherthrough His Son and the prophets) establishes the covenant conditions & blessings to others.
It is also a Salvation type of covenant connected to an ordinance necessary for entrance into the celestial realms of Heavenly Father; baptism is sometimes called the 'gateway covenant'
See John 1:5 (1-21) for Jesus' teachings to Nicodemus about the necessity of baptism.

The ordinance of baptism is preceded by the gospel principles of faith & repentance (A of F 4)

~What are our covenant promises to God as we are baptized?
Read, study & ponder: Mosiah 18:8-13; D&C 20:37, 68-69, 71-74

Before baptism:
Witness that you have humbly and truly repented of all your sins.   D&C 20:37
(Recognition, Remorse, Renunciation, Resolve, Restitution, Reconciliation=Release)

At baptism:
1.Witness that you are desirious and willing to take upon you the name of Christ  D&C 20:37
2. Come unto the 'fold of God' (Church of Christ) and be called his people  Mosiah 18:8
3. Bear one anothers burdens that they may be light  Mosiah 18:8, 9
as you mourn with those who mourn and comfort those in need of comfort
4. Stand as a witness of God the Father  Mosiah 18:9
at all times and in all things and in all places even until death
5. Witness before the Lord that you will serve Him to the end  Mosiah 18:10, 13; D&C 20:37
6. Witness before the Lord that you will keep His commandments  Mosiah 18:10

After baptism:
Truly manifest by your works that you have received the Spirit of Christ  D&C 20:37

~What are Gods covenant promises to us as we are baptized?
A remission of our sins as we are redeemed through Christ  Mosiah 18:9, 13; D&C 20:37
We are received into the Church of Jesus Christ  D&C 20:37
We will be numbered with those of the first resurrection  Mosiah 18:9
His Spirit will be poured out more abundantly upon us  Mosiah 18:13; D&C 20:37

"I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus" Primary song

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