Jesus |
My lil 3 yr old grandson found a pic of Jesus on a card that the missionaries left @my house & says, "who is this dranma?" I said, "thats a picture of Jesus, he died on the cross for us & thats why we celebrate Easter." He said, "whats a cross?" I said, "its like gmas but only bigger, made with wood."
Later in the car, I noticed he held onto the picture of Jesus which really touched my heart.
Ky: "Dranma, why did Jesus die on the cross?"
me: "so we can be forgiven of our sins"
Lindsay: "dranma, tell him what sins are"
me: ...thinking really hard & wondering what have I started. "when we are mean to others, that is a sin. We should always be nice to everybody. Jesus died on the cross so we could be forgiven"
Lindsay: "keep goin mom"
me: "Jesus is happy when we are nice."
They both seemed satisfied with what I said but that was difficult and reminded me that I need to study. Today I really wish I had story books about Jesus to read to my grandson, he's at a fun age where he always has lots of questions. I love him so much!
Kys goofy picture |
@ Shasta Lake |