I had a wonderful night with my 2 year old grandson last night, we played at the park and watched "Barney" a kids movie. We snuggled til we both fell asleep, he loves his back scratched lol.
Yesterday I had a colonoscopy & an esophagogastroduodenoscopy done because I have been really sick with diarrhea since May 3rd. The esophagus looked really good but they took several biopsies of the colon. 3 years ago I had a 7 or 9 mm polyp removed, thank goodness I got checked because it would have been cancerous had it stayed any longer. The Dr.s told me to wait til I was 50 but with my dad having colon cancer & dying from tongue cancer & my moms dad dying from colon cancer, I knew it was urgent for me to get in at age 44. I get the test results back in 5 days.

I woke up this morning, feeling kinda down so I rode the bus to Provo Temple to read my Book of Mormon again. I was in pants and wasn't sure if I was allowed to be on the Temple grounds, I found my way inside to the waiting room where I had visited the other day. I picked up Junes New Era and began searching for articles that stood out, I was really wanting to feel the Spirit. This guy came in, sat down, opened up his scriptures and began sobbing out loud. The room started to fill up with visitors but the man was like in his own lil world and no one seemed to mind. My whole purpose to come to the Temple today was to feel the Spirit & read the Book of Mormon. I didn't know what to think of this man crying so I continued to read from the church magazine. After the man left, I decided to go outside to the back of the Temple and met a young mom with her 9 month old baby, she was wearing pants too. We got to talking and she reassured me it was ok to be on the Temple grounds in pants so I felt much better. She was walking around barefoot in the grass w/her sandals in 1 hand and the baby in the other, such a pretty site. She was teaching and showing her baby all of Gods creations, I wished I had my grandson with me. I miss my daughters being small.

Found this cool spot in the shade to read my scriptures.
After praying, I started to read the Testimony of Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon, where I had left off the last time I came to the Temple. I only read a few pages. As I sat there, it reminded me of Joseph Smith in the grove when he prayed, it was very peaceful. Im thankful I live close enough to visit the Temple and hope for the day I can go back inside and do Temple work.
I like this view because it overlooks the valley and Utah Lake, can you see West Mountain? I love the fountains, they dance for me every time :)
Tonights my lil sisters baby shower, she's pregnant with her 2nd baby and is having a girl :)
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